On Wednesday this week I had the opportunity to present our Augmented-Intelligence story to the AWS Canberra User group (Amazon Web Services). It was great chance to reflect on our journey thus far, revisiting the promises and commitments we made to the Australian Trucking community at the 2018 FatigueHACK.
From the beginning, leveraging the cloud (and AWS) were front of mind. As I flicked through the official photos from the event I came across this one (below) from about midway through the first day. AWS Greengrass and AWS Sagemaker are called out as part of the solution; as it happens both of these products are still in the roadmap, but not yet implemented.

But that’s enough of the past, let’s look at what we have currently implemented. The picture below appeared in our presentation and I’ve marked up what we have currently implemented and being uploaded into AWS in the cloud.

We have three (3) FatigueM8 units installed and commissioned, and in each we are capturing the drivers ECG observations, the view out the front wind screen and geocoding each of the observations. From these we’re able to derive vehicle speed, distance travelled, driving time, road conditions, traffic conditions, drivers Heart Rate and a whole host of other statistics.
In my presentation from Wednesday night drilled into all of these areas, highlighting the how we leverage the various AWS Services (AWS S3, AWS Lambda, AWS Anthea and AWS QuickSight) to capture, store, analyse and present the data that we feed into our models to calculate the FatigueM8 Fatigue Score (aka FFS).
Wednesday’s presentation was recorded and is now available to be watched (or re-watched) via the following link. The FatigueM8 overview starts about 17 mins into the recording. You can check out the presentation here https://www.twitch.tv/videos/659965587
Looking back, we promised to spend the prize money on research (and not beer) which we’ve done; oh boy did we stretch that $6k a loooonnnnngggg way. We committed to continue to repay generosity shown to us during the competition, provide objective data (eg ECG recordings) to contribute to a better understanding of how fatigue effects individuals and to help everyone “keep on trucking” in a healthy and sustainable manner.
As for the sky being the limit, well being born in the cloud does have it’s advantages, but its important that we remain focused on supporting those who’s hands are on the steering wheel and feet firmly on the pedals!
Until next week, stay safe.